I am proud to announce that I've been appointed to the position of Resident Stage Director for the Miami Music Festival.

This summer I will direct Cunning Little Vixen, Dead Man Walking, and Act 1 from Die Walküre.

Please click here to take a look at their website.


Humperdinck: Hansel and Gretel


Binghamton University
December 2012

Stage Director: David Carl Toulson
Conductor: Dr. Timothy Perry
Musical Preparation: John Isenberg
Lighting Designer: Michael Celentano


Gretel: Kerianna Krebushevski/Christina Santa Maria
Hansel: Emily Geller/Daniela Rivera
Mother: Caitlin Gotimer
Father: Michael Celentano/Charles Hyland
Sandman: Rachel Young/Cole Tornberg
Witch: Hana Ryu/Molly Adams-Toomey